Disability Income Insurance

Life insurance has helped countless families maintain their lifestyles after the passing of a breadwinner. But what if that breadwinner is very much alive but unable to work due to illness or accident?

Long-term disability insurance can help you and your family meet expenses while you are incapacitated. Depending on the policy you choose, you may receive benefits that cover all or part of your salary, as well as bonuses, stock options and additional compensation. We can help you sort thought the options available to you select the one that best supplements any existing benefits you receive from your employer.

One more point - If you’re fortunate enough to work for an employer that offers a long-term disability plan, it’s important for you to know how much your policy will pay if you’re out of work. If you’re not covered, not covered adequately or self-employed, you should certainly consider owning your own personal disability policy.

  • The average 20-year-old worker has more than a 25% chance of becoming disabled before retirement
  • Only 48% of Americans have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses
  • Only 47% of American companies offer long-term disability coverage as a benefit

~Council for Disability Awareness

~Federal Reserve, Report of the Economic Well-Being of US Households in 2016.


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